Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) Degree Programme

These Regulations should be read in conjunction with the General Academic Regulations for Undergraduate Degrees hereinafter referred to as General Regulations.

Undergraduate Degree Programmes in the Faculty of Medicine shall be offered as follows: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS).


Applicants into programmes in the Faculty of Medicine may be accepted provided they have satisfied the entry requirements prescribed under the General Regulations for acceptance to the University and the specific Faculty requirements as follows:

Applicants into programmes in the Faculty of Medicine should have passed at least 5 subjects at ‘O’ Levels at Grade C or better. These should include Mathematics and English Language.

Applicants into programmes in the Faculty of Medicine should have at least 3 ‘A’ Level passes in Biology or Zoology and Chemistry as well as either Physics or Mathematics (or their approved equivalents).

Applicants into programmes in the Faculty of Medicine can be admitted on the basis of an appropriate Undergraduate Degree, normally at the First or Upper Second Class Degree Classification. Appropriate Degrees will be those with substantial cover in the biological or chemical sciences. Any requests by such candidates for exemptions from any part of MBBS programme will not normally be considered, but may be granted by Senate on advice from the Faulty Board.

Applicants into programmes in the Faculty of Medicine may also be required to satisfy a Faculty Panel in an interview.

Each course is assessed by continuous assessment and final written examinations as stated in the General Regulations.

Continuous Assessment (CA) will contribute between 30% and 40% of the overall mark. To be eligible for Examinations, a student will be required to have a minimum continuous assessment score of 45%. This assessment will consist of multiple choice question papers presented during the teaching period, tests, assignments, practical or field study reports, oral examinations and/or presentations. A student who fails the CA below the minimum acceptable mark will have to supplement the CA. The overall mark awarded shall be the supplementation mark (Refer to Year Book Section 9.2.6 p109).

The final written examinations will normally be accompanied by an associated oral and/or practical examinations, which may each contribute up to a maximum of 10% of the overall mark. In both the written and laboratory practical examinations the minimum acceptable score will be 40%. In the clinical study courses, students will have to pass the practical clinical examination and the written examinations separately.

Marking Scheme & Degree Classification

The marking system used for each total assessment being considered shall be: 75% & above: Distinction (D) 65-74 %: Honours (H) 50-64%: Pass (P) 0-49%: Fail (F)

There shall be no overall degree classification, but the degree may be awarded “with a Distinction” or ‘’with Honours” in a specified field or study area or subject.

The Distinction or Honours classification shall apply to each separately examined subject or area of specialisation