Your CORI rights

CORI stands for Criminal Offender Record information. There is CORI on you if you have ever been charged with a crime in a Massachusetts court.

Your CORI report is a list of your criminal charges. It includes all cases even if you were found not guilty or the case was dismissed.

It is important to know what is on your CORI report. You can get a copy of it from the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services (DCJIS). See How do I get a copy? DCJIS is the state agency in charge of CORI reports.

Why do I need to know what is in my CORI?

CORI makes it harder to get a job, housing, or even volunteer at your child’s school. Even if your criminal record is very old, it can still create problems.

What is not CORI?

The CORI report you get from DCJIS does not include:

What are my CORI rights? Right to seal my CORI by mail

If the cases are old enough, you have a right to seal most cases by mail. You can seal cases for possession of small amounts of marijuana by mail without a waiting period.

Right to seal my CORI in court

You have the right to ask a judge to seal any case when:

You have a right to ask a judge to seal a conviction for drug possession if it was the first time you were convicted for drug possession.

Jobs and CORI

What employers can see on the CORI record will depend on what kind of job you applied for. Most employers only see convictions.

Housing and CORI

When you apply to rent housing, the landlord or agency that you want to rent from can ask permission to get your CORI report. The landlord or agency must give you a copy of the report before asking you about anything in the report.

If your application is denied because of your CORI, you must be given a copy of the report.

Voting and CORI

If you are not in jail you can vote.

If you were convicted of a felony and you are not in jail you can vote.

If you went to jail, but you are not in jail now, you can vote.

The only time you cannot vote is while you are in jail if you were convicted of a felony.