7 Mistakes that People make on their Divorce Papers:

Here is a list of some of the common mistakes that people make when completing their divorce paperwork:

1.) People may not be consistent with their name. They may spell it one way on the intial paperwork and another way on subsequent documents. They may add an initial or a middle name. This could also happen when a spouse is served and he/she signs the name differently. Any discrepancies in the name will cause the papers to be rejected often prompting a need for an additional service.
2.) People often do not list all assets as they do not realize that ‘property’ refers not only to a home or condo, but also to retirement funds, investment funds and bank accounts.
3.) People often do not list all debt as they do not realize that debt, accumulated during the marriage, is community debt and as such needs to be shared and listed.
4.) People may not alert the courts when either party has moved or changed an address. If the courts do not have the proper address for the petitioner or respondent, important court dates will be overlooked which may cause the case to be dismissed.
5.) People may check the wrong boxes or leave out boxes that need to be checked on the court papers which often cause the papers to be defective and rejected by the court. This rejection typically happens late in the process and may entail an amendment or redo of the paperwork.
6.) People may not file or respond to papers timely causing the case to be dismissed. Failure to respond within the 30 day period may result in the filing of a default judgment and a possible loss of rights. The remedy for this is costly and is easily avoided by a timely response.
7.) People may not properly serve the respondent causing delays and sometimes dismissal of the case.

Each of these mistakes can create costly delays in your divorce and may even cause you to have to start all over again and incur more fees. Divorce is too important to do it without much thought! An experienced divorce lawyer can advise you as to your issues and prepare the divorce paperwork correctly saving you valuable time. A Divorce attorney can also save you money!

For help with your divorce contact Legal Action Workshop @ 800-HELP-444 (800-435-7444) or visit our website for more information: www.LegalActionWorkshopLAW.com

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